Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Creating Characters with Personality Chapter 2 Questions (Assignment 2 from Week Two))

1.) Using the principles of shape symbolism, what basic shapes will help show off their purpose and personalities in the film?

The basic shapes that would show off Dillon would probably be mainly circles and squares, and probably some triangles. Polly would be mainly circles and triangles, but squares could be used. Brent would be made with mostly triangles and squares. The only circle used would probably be for his head. Grit would be made with mostly squares and possibly some circles. Carrots would be mainly circles, possibly some triangles and squares; Finally, Ruthie could be made with circles and triangles. I don't think squares would be necessary. But in the end, it depends on how they are drawn.

2.) Do they have invidual shapes that delineate their characters?

The individual shapes of character could delineate their characters. The fact that mainly squares could be used for Grit could show him as the big guy. The circles for both Carrots and Ruthie play into the fact that they are animals. It would be weird if they were made with any other shapes. It also shows that Ruthie could have fluffy fur and Carrots could have the average shape of a horse. The circles could show that Polly has the woman figure but those, along with other shapes, could also make her appear tomboyish. The triangles and squares could show that Brent is the rich, fancy type. It could show it has the figure to show he is of high class. As well as show that he has an evil side.

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